Oracle Fusion Financials Interview Questions
Why define an Enterprise in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Define the enterprise to get the name of the deploying
enterprise and the location of the headquarters.
Why to define Enterprise Structures in Oracle Fusion
Define enterprise structures to represent an organization
with one or more legal entities under common control. Define organizations to
Why to define Legal Jurisdictions and Authorities in Oracle
Fusion Financials?
Define information for governing bodies that operate within
a jurisdiction.
Why to define Legal Entities in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Define legal entities and legal reporting units for business
activities handled by the Oracle Fusion Applications.
Why to define Business Units in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Define business units of an enterprise to perform one or
many business functions that can be rolled up in a…
Why to define Financial Reporting Structures in Oracle
Fusion Financials?
Define financial reporting structures, including
organization structures, charts of accounts, organizational hierarchies,
calendars, currencies and rates, ledgers, and document sequences…
Why to define Chart of Accounts in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Define chart of accounts including hierarchies and values to
enable tracking of financial transactions and reporting at legal entity, cost…
Why to define Ledgers in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Define the primary accounting ledger and any secondary
ledgers that provide an alternative accounting representation of the financial
Why to define Accounting Configurations in Oracle Fusion
Define the accounting configuration that serves as a
framework for how financial records are maintained for an organization.
Why to define Facilities in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Define your manufacturing and storage facilities as
Inventory Organizations if Oracle Fusion tracks inventory balances there and
Item Organizations if…
Why to define Reference Data Sharing in Oracle Fusion
Define how reference data in the applications is partitioned
and shared.
What is an Enterprise Structures Configurator in Oracle
Fusion Financials?
The Enterprise Structures Configurator is an interview-based
tool that guides you through the process of setting up a basic enterprise…
What are Divisions in Oracle Fusion Financials?
A division refers to a business-oriented subdivision within
an enterprise, in which each division organizes itself differently to deliver
What are Reference Data Sets and Sharing Methods in Oracle
Fusion Financials?
Oracle Fusion Applications reference data sharing feature is
also known as SetID. The reference data sharing functionality supports
operations in…
What is Geography Structure in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Firstly, you need to create a geography structure for each
country to define which geography types are part of the…
What is Geography Hierarchy in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Once the geography structure is defined, the geographies for
each geography type can be added to the hierarchy. For example,…
How Geography Validation works in Oracle Fusion Financials?
After defining the geography hierarchy, you need to specify
the geography validations for the country. You can choose which address…
How Geography Structure, Hierarchy, and Validation fit
together in Oracle Fusion Financials?
There are three components that are dependent on each other
when defining a country: geography structure, geography hierarchy, and
Can I add any geography to the geography hierarchy in Oracle
Fusion Financials?
Yes. however, the geography type for the geography that you
want to add must be already added to the country…
Can I edit a specific geography in the geography hierarchy
in Oracle Fusion Financials??
Yes. In the Manage Geography Hierarchy page you can edit
details such as the geography's date range, primary and alternate…
When do I define address cleansing in Oracle Fusion
When address data entered into the application needs to
conform to a particular format, in order to achieve consistency in…
Why can't I delete a level of the country geography
structure in Oracle Fusion Financials??
If a geography exists for a country geography structure
level then you cannot delete the level. For example, if a…
What are Legal Entities in Oracle Fusion Financials?
A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and
responsibilities given by legislation. Define a legal entity for each…
What rights and responsibilities Legal entities have in
Oracle Fusion Financials?
Legal entities have the following rights and
responsibilities to: 1. Own property 2. Trade 3. Repay debt 4. Account for…
What is the Role of Your Legal Entity in Oracle Fusion
In configuring your enterprise structure in Oracle Fusion
Applications, the contracting party on any transaction is always the legal
What is the importance of using legal entity on transactions
in Oracle Fusion Financials?
1. Legal entity and its relationship to business units 2.
Legal entity and its relationship to divisions 3. Legal entity…
Describe Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Business Units
in Oracle Fusion Financials?
A business unit can process transactions on behalf of many
legal entities. Frequently, a business unit is part of a…
Describe Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Divisions in
Oracle Fusion Financials?
The division is an area of management responsibility that
can correspond to a collection of legal entities. If wanted, you…
Describe Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Ledgers in
Oracle Fusion Financials?
One of your major responsibilities is to file financial
statements for your legal entities. Map legal entities to specific ledgers…
Describe Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Balancing
Segments in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Oracle Fusion General Ledger supports up to three balancing
segments. Best practices recommend one segment represents your legal entity to…
Describe Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Consolidation
Rules in Oracle Fusion Financials?
In Oracle Fusion Applications you can map legal entities to
balancing segments and then define consolidation rules using your balancing…
Describe Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Intercompany
Transactions in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Use Oracle Fusion Intercompany feature to create
intercompany entries automatically across your balancing segments. Intercompany
processing updates legal ownership within…
Describe Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Worker
Assignments and Legal Employer in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Legal entities that employ people are called legal employers
in the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity Configurator. You must enter legal…
Describe Legal Entity and Payroll Reporting in Oracle Fusion
Your legal entities are required to pay payroll tax and
social insurance such as social security on your payroll. In…
What's a legal employer in Oracle Fusion Financials?
A legal employer is a legal entity that employs workers. You
define a legal entity as a legal employer in…
What's a payroll statutory unit in Oracle Fusion Financials?
Payroll statutory units are legal entities that are
responsible for paying workers, including the payment of payroll tax and
What are Business Units in Oracle Fusion Financials?
A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one
or many business functions that can be rolled…
What are the advantages that business unit model provides in
Oracle Fusion Financials?
1. Enables flexible implementation 2. Provides consistent
entity that controls and reports on transactions 3. Shares sets of reference
Describe Business Unit Security in Oracle Fusion Financials?
A number of Oracle Fusion Applications use business units to
implement data security. You assign roles like Accounts Payable Manager…
Describe Business Functions in Oracle Fusion Financials?
A business function represents a business process, or an
activity that can be performed by people working within a business…
List out the business functions that generate financial
transactions and will require a primary ledger and a default legal entity in
Oracle Fusion Financials.
1. Billing and revenue management 2. Collections management
3. Customer payments 4. Expense management 5. Materials management 6. Payables
Why did the newly added ledger and legal entity not show up
in the list when assigning business functions in Oracle Fusion Financials?
When assigning the business functions, the list of values
for the Primary Ledger and default Legal Entity are empty or…