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Tuesday 25 October 2016

AP Invoice Validation Status

AP Invoice Validation Status

(See Metalink doc ID 301806.1)
There is no column in the AP_INVOICES_ALL table that stores the validation status. Invoice distributions are validated individually and the status is stored at the invoice distribution level. This status is stored in AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.MATCH_STATUS_FLAG.
Valid values for the column are:

A – Validated (it used to be called Approved)
N or null – Never validated
T – Tested but not validated

The invoice header form derives the invoice validation status based on the following:
- If all of the invoice distributions have a MATCH_STATUS_FLAG = ‘A’
‘Never Validated’
- If all of the invoice distributions have a MATCH_STATUS_FLAG = null or ‘N’
‘Needs Revalidation’
- If there are any rows in AP_HOLDS that do not have a release code.
- If any of the invoice distributions have a MATCH_STATUS_FLAG = ‘T’.
- If the invoice distributions have MATCH_STATUS_FLAG values = ‘N’, null and ‘A’ (mixed).


select distinct match_status_flag from ap_invoice_distributions_all 

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